Activity: Tea & Talk
Topics: History
Date: Tuesday 23rd April 2024
Time: 5.00 PM
Venue: Moray House Trust

This year the theme for these talks is Eyewitness.
Activity: Tea & Talk
Title: Waterton’s Wanderings 1812-1825
Date: Tuesday 23rd April 2024
Time: 5.00 PM
Cost: $5000 per ticket
Charles Waterton, a Yorkshire nobleman, came out to Demerara in the early 1800s to manage his family’s plantations. Over the next few decades he subsequently undertook four expeditions into ‘the wilds‘, to seek out the wourali (curare) poison used by the indigenous hunters, to collect samples of birds and other mammals and to observe and record some of the flora and fauna he encountered.
His book, Waterton’s Wanderings in South America, was a bestseller of its time.
Please note that tickets must be purchased in advance.