Event: Tea & Talk
Venue: Moray House Trust
Date: Tuesday 3rd September 2024
Time: 5.00 PM
Tickets: $5000 (must be purchased in advance)

Activity: Tea & Talk
Title: The Indian Tribes of Guiana by W.H Brett
Date: Tuesday 3rd September 2024
Time: 5.00 PM
Cost: $5000 per ticket
William Henry Brett (1818-1886) was an Anglican missionary who spent 40 years in British Guiana. He published several books based on his time there, among them, The Indian Tribes of Guiana: their condition and habits; with researches into their past history, superstitions, legends, antiquities, languages, etc. The talk will examine aspects of Brett’s narrative, his missionary work, and some of his observations about the indigenous communities near his mission in the Pomeroon, mainly the Arawaks, Caribs, the Akawaios and the Warraus.
This continues the Eyewitness Series of talks looking at accounts written by those who visited or lived in the colony a few centuries ago.
Russel Lancaster will host the talk.
Please note that tickets must be purchased in advance (tel: 2260724).