Event: Tea & Talk
Venue: Moray House Trust
Date: Tuesday 9th July 2024
Time: 5.00 PM
Tickets: $5000 (must be purchased in advance)

John Henry Bernau was an Anglican Missionary based at Bartica in the 1830s and 1840s, almost 200 years ago.
He wrote an account of his time there (Missionary Labours In British Guiana), which will form the basis for the talk. In it, he describes the challenges encountered in setting up missions in the interior and the habits and customs of the indigenous peoples among whom he worked.
This talk continues the Eyewitness Series of talks.
The talk will be hosted by Eliana Sampson.
Tea will be provided by Homemade with Love.
Tickets must be purchased in advance (preferably before Friday 5th July). Please call Moray House Trust to arrange purchase (tel:2260724).
All are welcome.
Event: Tea & Talk
Title: JH Bernau: An Anglican Missionary at Bartica
Date: Tuesday 9th July, 2024
Time: 5.00 pm
Tickets: $5000 (includes tea)