Activity: Lecture / slideshow
Host: Moray House Trust
Date: Thursday 15th October 2015

Bert Carter has been a staunch supporter of Moray House Trust, both as a participant and an observer. He has attended many of our events and taken the podium on several occasions to tell us a bit about the history of Georgetown or the finer points of the city’s drainage system. In an indication of both the man and the times, a clip from his talk about the drainage system went viral on both our Facebook feed and You Tube channel some months ago. To paraphrase a popular expression, ‘we are all engineers now’.
Bert is that rare creature who, though steeped in knowledge and academic qualifications, can convey ideas simply, clearly and without condescension. He combines an endlessly enquiring mind with humility. In his own words: “…always keep a small mouth but have a big ear and you are bound to learn. Failing to ask a question is to remain a fool for a lifetime, ask a question and be a fool only for five minutes.”
Bert’s contribution to Guyana extends well beyond his tenure in various posts and committees, though these, in themselves, form an impressive list. Beginning with the David Rose Centre for Boys in East Ruimveldt in 1970, he has guided the construction of many of our educational, cultural and social institutions.
In 2000 alone, he oversaw the extension of the National Library, the refurbishment of Camp Street Avenue (with David de Caires, Albert Rodrigues and others), the re-building of the GSPCA building at Robb Street and Orange Walk and the design and construction of the Cheddi Jagan lecture rooms at the university campus. He was also involved in the rehabilitation of the Theatre Guild and continues to take a strong interest in this as well as the long-discussed rehabilitation of City Hall.
Bert’s credentials as a tour guide are therefore not in question. Perhaps more significantly, his credentials and contributions as a son of the soil are also beyond question. Moray House Trust warmly welcomed Bert Carter to the podium once again and saluted his lifelong commitment to our city and our country.
Video Clips
1: Peter’s Hall to Lombard Street
See the Chinese Church at Peters Hall, Rahaman’s Turn, La Penitence and Lombard Street as well as tramcars and the routes they used to take.
You Tube Clip:
2: Churches and cemeteries
In this second clip from Bert Carter’s tour of Georgetown a century ago, he looks at early churches and cemeteries.
You Tube Clip:
3: Parliament Building
Greenheart foundations, a pair of cannons from the Crimean War, a panelled ceiling by Cesar Castellani..Bert Carter describes Guyana’s Parliament Building and adornments.
You Tube Clip: