Title: Old Higue
Item: Poem
Performer: Gavin Mendonca gives “Old Higue” a creole rock makeover.
Date: Thursday 26th January 2017
You Tube Clip: https://youtu.be/3GT1FVeTR60
Looking at Your Hands
Title: Looking at your hands
Item: Poem
Reader: Francis Quamina Farrier.
You Tube Clip: https://youtu.be/Mz0bGPYkb84 Continue reading “Looking at Your Hands”
Do Not Stare At Me
Title: Do Not Stare at Me
Item: Poem
Reader: Nicasey Gordon accompanied by Marvin.
Date: Thursday 26th January 2017
You Tube Clip: https://youtu.be/aB2ujkqw7K4
Memories of Martin
Title: Memories of Martin
Item: Commentary
Speaker: Dr Ian Mc Donald
Date: December 2011
You Tube link:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YqlW0jffhy4&feature=plcp Continue reading “Memories of Martin”
Martin’s Mantras: Martin’s thoughts on writing poetry
Title: Martin’s Mantras: Martin’s thoughts on writing poetry
Item: Commentary
Speaker: Dr Ian Mc Donald at Young Writers Workshop
Date: April 2012
You Tube link: Martin’s Mantras
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4OD8zrEHf8 Continue reading “Martin’s Mantras: Martin’s thoughts on writing poetry”
Tomorrow and the World
Title: “Tomorrow and the World”
Item: Poem
Reader: Ian Mc Donald
Date: 13th December 2011
You Tube Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=upFUTNTZRfg Continue reading “Tomorrow and the World”
Three Poems of Shape and Motion: No. 1
Title: “Three Poems of Shape and Motion: No. 1”
Item: Poem
Reader: Vanda Radzik
Date: 13th December 2011
You Tube Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ug8EeGWd22c Continue reading “Three Poems of Shape and Motion: No. 1”
This is the Dark Time my love
Title: “This is the Dark Time my love.”
Item: Poem
Reader: Rochelle Christie
Date: 13th December 2011
You Tube Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ehVIJ-gA3wI Continue reading “This is the Dark Time my love”
Old Higue
Title: “Old Higue”
Item: Poem
Readers: Chantelle Sewette and Maryam Bacchus
Date: 13th December 2011
You Tube Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMZCve_fQ3k Continue reading “Old Higue”